Stay Connected with the City Council

Quick Take:
  • All Regular and Special City Council meetings and Work Sessions are currently being conducted via Zoom and in person in the City Council Chambers.
  • Sign-up for remote testimony at Regular and Special City Council Meetings is available by clicking the button at the bottom of this page and completing the form.  Do not complete the sign-up form unless you intend to provide testimony.  Please note that there is an overall time limit for Citizens' Comments, and in-person testimony will be given preference.
  • These procedures are subject to change, so please check this page often and prior to attending a City Council Meeting or Work Session. 


There are three ways to listen to City Council meetings. 1) Zoom webinar, 2) live webcasts from the City website, and 3) live broadcast on KFBX AM 970 (Regular Meetings only).

Zoom (This method must be used if you sign up to provide testimony remotely)

The City Council is using Zoom as another platform to conduct its meetings. Citizens can listen via Zoom by clicking on the link below.  Meeting information may be updated routinely to reflect any changes.  

Regular City Council Meeting, Monday, July 22, 2024, 6:30 p.m., all Work Sessions, Budget Meetings, and some Special City Council Meetings
Click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode:  761928
Telephone:  US: +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 9128  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID:  895 3506 0265
International numbers available:  

Web Stream

All Regular and Special City Council meetings and Work Sessions are live-streamed through the City of Fairbanks website.  Click here for information on how to live-stream meetings.


Only Regular City Council Meetings are broadcast on KFBX Radio AM 970 live at 6:30 p.m.


City Council agenda packets are available at the City website the Thursday afternoon prior to a Monday meeting.  Hard copies of agendas and other meeting documents are available at each meeting at City Hall Council Chambers.  The public may access City Hall 30 minutes prior to the start of a Council meeting or Work Session.  Visit to see more information about upcoming meetings.  


The following rules of decorum apply to meeting attendees and to those providing testimony to the City Council, whether in person or remotely.

  • Testimony should not use profanity or language likely to incite violence or outbursts;
  • Testimony should not include comments of a personal nature not germane to City business;
  • Testimony should not use language that is disruptive to the orderly process of the meeting;
  • Attendees should not shout, boo, clap, or otherwise display disruptive behavior; and
  • Attendees are asked to silence cell phones and electronic devices.

In-person Testimony

In-person testimony during City Council meetings will be given preference over remote testimony.  Masking at public meetings is optional, and masks are available to everyone. 

Virtual/Telephonic Testimony

To sign up for virtual/telephonic testimony, complete the “Sign Up for Citizens' Comments or Public Testimony” form below.  Please be as specific as possible if you are signing up to speak during a public hearing for a certain agenda item.  If you do not sign up by 5 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting, you will not be called upon to speak.  The three-minute time limit for testimony applies to virtual/telephonic comments.

*NOTE:  Public testimony is not available during Council Work Sessions.  However, citizens can still listen in or attend Work Sessions in person.


In-person comments will be taken first, then citizens attending virtually/telephonically will be heard in the order of sign-up [time permitting for Citizens' Comments].  The Clerk will call upon citizens who have signed up in advance and who are attending telephonically/virtually when it is their turn to speak, and the citizen will be temporarily un-muted for their allotted time to speak.  The camera function will not be enabled for remote testifiers.  [Please note:  If you are not available at the time your name is called to testify, the Clerk will move on to the next citizen.]  Once you are placed into the meeting, the Mayor will ask that you state your name and provide your neighborhood or place of residence for the record, then your three-minute allotted time will begin.  You will hear a beeping tone or the Mayor will alert you when your three-minute limit has been reached.

Helpful Hints:  If you are listening to the meeting on another device when you are called upon to speak, please silence that device during your testimony.  Speak loudly and clearly, and try to avoid distractions and background noise. 


After reviewing the agenda for the next City Council meeting, you may complete one of the forms below to sign up to speak remotely.  You may sign up for both Citizens’ Comments and Public Hearing if you have items to address under each category.  Please read the following information before signing up: 

Signing up for Citizens’ Comments:  By selecting Citizens' Comments, you may have three minutes to speak on any item pertaining to City business that is not up for a public hearing  [agenda items not scheduled for a public hearing are typically indicated by an asterisk (*)].  In-person comments will be taken first, then the Council will hear those providing comments remotely, if time permits.  The overall time limit for Citizens' Comments is 30 minutes.  Please note that you must sign up by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting to be allowed to provide remote comments at a City Council meeting.

Signing up for Public Hearing:  During a public hearing for a specific agenda item, you will be given three-minutes to testify on that item only.  Agenda items that commonly have public hearings include ordinances up for second reading and liquor/marijuana licenses.  Please note that you must sign up by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting to be allowed to participate remotely in a public hearing.