FPD Hiring FAQs

What are the steps in the hiring process?
  1. WRITTEN TEST: Register with www.publicsafetytesting.com, select our department, and take the law enforcement written exam. A study guide will be provided to you after you register for the test. 
  2. COMPLETE F3 HISTORY FORM: After you pass the written test, your scores are provided to us by Public Safety Testing (PST) and we will email you a form to fill out where you will provide your personal and work history.  Form must be typed and notarized. 

    ***Note for Lateral Hires: Lateral applicants should submit their training and employment records for reciprocal review to apsc@alaska.gov. FPD requires lateral applicants to provide the approval from APSC early on in the hiring process. 

  3. PHYSICAL TEST: Schedule a Physical Ability Test through the PST website. PST contracts with Anytime Fitness gyms all over the United States to proctor the test. The test consists of the following: 
    • 300 Meter Run = 77 seconds
    • Vertical Jump = 14.0”
    • Push-Ups = 21 repetitions
    • One Minute Sit-Ups = 15 repetitions
    • 1.5 mile run = 17 minutes, 17 seconds
  4. ORAL BOARDS: After we review your personal/work history form and you complete your physical test, you will be informed if you are invited to oral boards. Oral boards are done in person at Fairbanks Police Department, 911 Cushman Street. This is a professional interview and applicants should dress accordingly. 
  5. LIE DETECTOR: A lie detector test is generally given immediately after Oral Boards.
  6. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION: The command staff will review the results of your Oral Boards and lie detector test. If you are selected to move forward, a thorough background investigation will be done. Note: this step can be done remotely.
  7. PSYCH EXAM and MEDICAL EXAM: A psych exam and medical exam to show that you are fit for duty are required before hire with our department. 


Upon hire: New Recruits will be sent to a 4-month police academy in Sitka, Alaska.

                         Lateral officers from out-of-state will be sent to a two-week academy within one year of hire.


Note for applicants outside of Alaska: we have you come up to Fairbanks just once during the hiring process. During your one trip, you would have oral boards, complete the lie-detector, and get a few ride-alongs. Everything else can be done remotely.



I'm an experienced police officer, what would my starting wage be?

The Chief makes the final determination on what wage new hires come in at. Below are some steps in our wage scale to give you an idea of where you may come in:

Step 1 (Recruit Officer) - $38.00

Step 5 - $41.14

Step 10 - $45.42

Step 15 - $50.15

Step 20 (Top Step) - $55.36

For laterals, the step on the scale that you come in at is around the amount of full-time years of experience in law enforcement you have. There is also an additional 5% for working swing shift hours and 10% for working mid shift. Overtime is paid at time and a half. 

Do you hire out-of-state lateral officers and do you accept police certifications from states other than Alaska?

Yes, we hire out-of-state lateral officers. For purposes of hiring and the lateral bonus, lateral refers to POST certified, having attended a basic law enforcement academy either in Alaska OR that is in line with the reciprocity standards from Alaska Police Standards Council. Here is the info from Alaska Police Standards Council on reciprocity: https://dps.alaska.gov/getmedia/fa15beff-d9d2-4084-b1b3-74dd56f67359/2018-website-Reciprocity.pdf;.aspx

Lateral applicants should submit their training and employment records for reciprocal review to apsc@alaska.gov. FPD requires lateral applicants to provide the approval from APSC early on in the hiring process. 

We send laterals from outside of Alaska to a two-week recertification academy within one year of hire to receive Alaska certification.

How is the $60,000 Lateral Bonus paid out?

30k is given to a lateral hire immediately after field training is completed, which takes about 4 months.$30k is given after three years with the department. In return for accepting the lateral bonus, the applicant agrees to work for FPD for 5 years. If an employee does not stay for 5 years for whatever reason, they agree to pay back the bonus on a pro-rated basis. For example, if you stayed 4 out of 5 years, you would give back one fifth of the bonus. 

What retirement is offered at FPD?
  • FPD officers are enrolled in the State of Alaska Retirement plan, PERS. New officers would be enrolled in the PERS Tier 4 plan, which is similar to a 401k. It takes five years to vest in PERS Tier 4. More information on that plan can be found here:  https://drb.alaska.gov/employee/dcrplan.html
  • The City of Fairbanks also offers section 457 (tax deferred) investment plans.
  • **NEW Supplemental Retirement Benefit for Sworn Officers - In June of 2023, the Fairbanks City Council passed the formation of a new supplemental retirement benefit. The benefit allocates an additional $10,000 per year for every officer. CLICK HERE to read the ordinance. 


Does FPD offer a 2 week on/2 week off schedule?

FPD does not offer the 2 week on/2 week off schedule. Our patrol officers are currently on a 4-10hr day schedule. 

How is the $20,000 Recruit Bonus paid out?

$10,000 is paid out to any recruit officer that successfully completes field training. The last $10,000 is paid to the officer after 24 months of employment. In return for the $20,000 bonus, the officer agrees to work for FPD for 3 years. If the employee does not stay for 3 years for whatever reason, they agree to pay back the bonus on a pro-rated basis.


Does FPD have a tattoo policy?

All employees, while on duty, are prohibited from:

Having any visible tattoos or body art on the head, face, neck or scalp. Any tattoos or body art on any of these areas will be covered by clothing.

Tattoos or body art that are gang related; that convey sexual, racial, religious, ethnic, or related intolerances; that promote a partisan political statement or expression; or that portray derogatory or offensive characterizations contrary to the values of this department.

Is there an age limit to apply?

New hires must be at least 21 years old.

There is no maximum age. We do have a physical ability test that consists of the following:

i. 300 Meter Run = 77 seconds

ii. Vertical Jump = 14.0”

iii. Push-Ups = 21 repetitions

iv. One Minute Sit-Ups = 15 repetitions

v. 1.5 mile run = 17 minutes, 17 seconds

What is the facial hair policy for police officers?

The facial hair policy is as follows: Not to exceed 1 inch below the chin, 2 inches below the neckline. Must be trimmed to 1/2 inch in length.

Are you required to be a U.S. Citizen to apply?

Yes, you are required to be a U.S. Citizen or U.S. National to become a police officer in Alaska.


What kind of health insurance does FPD offer?

FPD employees receive health insurance through Alaska State Employees Association. More information about the plan can be found here: https://www.aseahealth.org/.

Insurance benefits begin on the 1st day of the month following 30 days of employment with our department.